Joe 40 (c) Kristen Bailey 2009
My very dear friend Joe, who is like the big brother I never had, has reached 40! He is not very impressed by this. I wanted to make a special card for him, and it took a long time to come up with the idea, but I'm pleased with how it came out.
It's 30cm high and mostly made in card, but with fun foam for the balloons (which have thread 'strings'). I drew the hearts, stars and banner. I made tiny bunting from card and strung them on sewing thread, so they hang freely. I cut windows in the 'J' and added photos of his lovely wife Rachel and kids Isabel and Roxanne.
Due to variouss illnesses in his house and mine, he didn't get it till weeks after the big day, but he loved it - phew! Isabel (7) said she liked the photo windows best, so I told her, "Those are photos of Daddy's three favourite things in the whole world." She said, "Well, Daddy has FOUR favourite things - Mummy, me, Roxie... and BEER!" Out of the mouths of babes...
* SONG OF THE DAY: Peggy Hayes sings Peggy Lee - Happiness Is Just A Thing Called Joe*
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